STATSGO2-soil data
Step 1: Get soil data
Download state data from here: [1]
Download county or survey level data from here: [2]
Both sources should include a) tabular data b) spatial data c) Microsoft Access template
State data is spatially coarser than county or survey level data
Step 2: Soil Data Viewer
You need 1) Install ArcGIS 9.2 or later for soil data viewer 5.2 on a Windows XP system 2) Install soil data viewer version 5.2 [3]
Step 3: Prepare Access database
1) Open Access template 2) Enable macros 3) Type in full path name to tabular data 4) Import should run automatically
Step 4: Working with Soil Data Viewer in ArcGIS
1) Open ArcGIS - View > Toolbars > Soil Data Viewer Tools 2) Click on the Soil Data Viewer button 3) Browse to Access database 4) Choose the soil data layer to connect to the database
Soil data viewer online user guide is here: [4]
Step 5: Karl's method for estimating soil properties using SDV
a) Dominant Condition (DCD)
b) Dominant Component (DCP)
c) Weighted Average (WA)
d) All Layers (ACP)
1) Soil Physical Properties: Surface Texture
Useful for a) naming the soil .def file b) understanding depth to soil restrictive layer c) ksat at surface
2) Soil Qualities and Features: Depth To Selected Soil Restrictive Layer
a) Generate Depth DCD, DCP, WA, ACP using both < and > for tie break rule with no cutoff (8 scenarios)
b) Compare these to summer Landsat imagery and use expert judgment to determine the most believable layer
c) results for Silver Fork: Tie break doesn't matter for all but ACP. ACP, > was too shallow; ACP, < was too shallow; WA, < was to shallow; DCP, > bimodal (0 and 201) very shallow in upper basin; DCD, < bimodal (0 and 201) deeper than DCP, >. Areas with zero depth to bedrock are those classified as un-weathered bedrock in Surface TextureItalic text File:Example.jpg 3) Soil Physical Properties: Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (RHESSys requires Ksat at surface)
-Plot for each 100cm
4) Soil Physical Properties: Percent Clay (used in RHESSys only for carbon cycling)
5) Soil Physical Properties: Percent Sand (used in RHESSys only for carbon cycling)
6) Soil Physical Properties: Percent Silt (used in RHESSys only for carbon cycling)