Karl's IPW experience

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Revision as of 19:27, 25 October 2009 by Krittger (talk | contribs)
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DEM into IPW

The result is an image with three headers. The upper left corner is referred to as line 0, sample 0.

1) converted SierraBB-500m.tif to ASCII using ArcGIS Conversion Tools > From Raster > Raster to ASCII

2) stripped header with Wordpad

3) text2ipw dem.txt > dem.ipw

4) mkgeoh -c albers -u meters -o 389271.181648,-218640.76643 -d -500,500 dem.ipw > dem.geo.ipw

!<header> basic_image_i -1 $Revision: 1.11 $ byteorder = 0123 nlines = 1450 nsamps = 876 nbands = 1

!<header> basic_image 0 $Revision: 1.11 $ bytes = 2 bits = 16 history = text2ipw -l 1450 -s 876 -b 1 -n 16 snbb500m.txt

!<header> lq 0 $Revision: 1.6 $ map = 0 -10.99219036 map = 65535 4254.503906

!<header> geo 0 $Revision: 1.7 $ bline = 389271.181648 bsamp = -218640.76643 dline = -500 dsamp = 500 units = meters coord_sys_ID = albers