Landsat ETM+/TM/MSS

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To be added: 1)set Tom's -9999's to NaN (-9999 might be set in TMSCAG IDL script 2)fVEG by merging multiple TMSCAG runs 3)populate database Karl database with file locations for Landsat 5 and 7 4)pre-processing function that skips when the output already exists 5)post-processing with option for subset to be saved in specific location 6)water mask should be a lake ice output 7)other land mask specificity 8)use emissivity for each landcover type to determine actual temperature instead of brightness temperature

Output 1: .mat -

   a) fsca raw - values are 0 to 1 
   b) fsca - values are 0 and 0.15 to 1. Product has had the following masks applied
   c) masks 7 bands:
               1) edge mask - to deal with bands having different spatial extents
                  a) NLDAS processing did a similar thing. All output from USGS is currently not trimming the edges. See current [1]
               2) shadow mask (all bands < 0.10)
               3) water mask (all bands < 0.10 & NLCD indicates water) - this is a subset of 2...inverse is lake ice...don't apply
               4) "other land"  - herbaceous wetlands sometime come up as snow, this is optionally ?calculated and applied? but saved
               5) 3 band saturation mask indicating combination of saturation that result in different TMSCAG "runs"
               6) optional cloud mask (calculated for scene only applied w/ flag - rarely used)
               7) brightness temperature mask from band 6
   i) surface reflectance (6 bands)
   k) brightness temperature
   j) RGB - bands 5,4,2 (stretch version of surface reflectance)

MSS/TM crossover 1985-1987
